If you are planning what to do in Baiona and Nigrán in August, here is a list of events and activities you can enjoy. We've put together all the activities organised by the local councils as well as those organised by some of the businesses you'll find on Meet Rural. As we discover more options, we will update the list, so stay tuned so you don't miss out on anything.
- 1 August
- 2 August
- 3 August
- 4 August
- 5 August
- 6 August
- 7 August
- 8 August
- 9 August
- 10 August
- 11 August
- 12 dAugust
- 13 August
- 14 August
- 15 August
- 16 August
- 17 August
- 18 August
- 19 August
- 20 August
- 21 August
- 22 August
- 23 August
- 24 August
- 25 August
- 26 August
- 27 August
- 28 August
- 29 August
- 30 August
- 31 August
Thursday, 1 August
All day - Exhibition "Viaxando". Afundación and Abanca art collection. Place: Alameda Carabela Pinta (Baiona).
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
Festivities of San Fiz (Nigrán). Place: Torreiro de San Fiz (Ceán):
12:00 - Mass and procession
13:30 - Concert by the Metropolitan Accordion Band.
Canteen and Vermouth Session
21:00 a 00:00 - Verbena with X.A. Band of Merza and Pontevedra Orchestra.
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Conference "Food, chemistry and the food industry". Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
21:15 - Concert of "Los 5 del Titanic". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Concert of Diego Caride y Noemí. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
23:00 - Concert "Ariadna Santana". Place: Skarnio e Maldecir
Friday, 2 August
All day - Exhibition "Viaxando". Afundación and Abanca art collection. Place: Alameda Carabela Pinta (Baiona).
11:00 - Guided tour "Paseo del Monte Boi". Pre-registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
19:00 - Concert of "Diversia". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
23:00 - Performance of LA FORMULA. Place: La Palma Park (Baiona)
Saturday, 3 August
All day - Exhibition "Viaxando". Afundación and Abanca art collection. Place: Alameda Carabela Pinta (Baiona).
10:00 a 14:00 - Patos weekly market (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour "In the footsteps of Drake" (adult public). Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Santa Marta Beach (Baiona)
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
De 16:00 a 00:00 - Reguettón Beach Festival. Place: Porto do Molle (Nigrán)
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
23:00 - Performance of Orchestra CINEMA. Place: La Palma Park (Baiona)
Sunday, 4 August
All day - Exhibition "Viaxando". Afundación and Abanca art collection. Place: Alameda Carabela Pinta (Baiona).
De 11:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
De 16:00 a 00:00 - Reguettón Beach Festival. Place: Porto do Molle (Nigrán)
23:00 - Performance of Orchestra SOLARA. Place: La Palma Park (Baiona)
Monday, 5 August
All day - Exhibition "Viaxando". Afundación and Abanca art collection. Place: Alameda Carabela Pinta (Baiona).
9:00 a 14:00 - Sabarís weekly market (Baiona).
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
Parrulas Fest (children's festival de Nigrán). Place: Open-air auditorium of Esteiro da Foz
19:30 - Mago Noel
20:30 - Sincronacidas
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
21:15 - Cultural Route "Encounter with Cave Art" by Rosa Villar. Meeting point: Baiña Reservoir.
23:00 - Performance of Orchestra CHARLESTON. Place: La Palma Park (Baiona)
Tuesday, 6 August
All day - Exhibition "Viaxando". Afundación and Abanca art collection. Place: Alameda Carabela Pinta (Baiona).
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
Parrulas Fest (Childrens festival of Nigrán). Place: Open-air auditorium of Esteiro da Foz
19:30 - Pista Catro
20:30 - Maite Guevara
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Popular games. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
21:15 - Concert of "Claudio Gabis acústico". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - BAIONA PINTA MAXIA (Magic). Performance Why not?2.0 for Samuel Moreno. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Wednesday, 7 August
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour of the historic centre of Baiona. Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
Parrulas Fest (Childrens festival of Nigrán). Place: Open-air auditorium of Esteiro da Foz
12:00 - Marta Ortiz
19:30 - Cris Collazo
20:30 - Peter Punk
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Music Festival Place: Barbeira Beach (Baiona)
22:30 - Concert of "Sin reserva acústico". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Thursday, 8 August
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
Parrulas Fest (Childrens Festival of Nigrán). Place: Open-air auditorium of Esteiro da Foz
12:00 - Jara Ortiz
19:30 - Antón Coucheiro
20:30 - Gala solidaria "Pallasos sen fronteiras" presentado por Peter Punk Pallaso.
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Conference "Current biotechnological research and innovations in the fight against cancer". Speaker: Angélica Figueroa Conde-Valvís. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
21:15 - Concert of "Los lunes al sol". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Concert of "Pa Ti Na Ma". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
23:00 - Concert of "Seitura". Place: Skarnio e Maldecir
Friday, 9 August
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Concert of "Tropical Boy". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Concert of the "Coral Polifónica Baiona A Real". Place: Chapel of La Misericordia (Baiona).
20:30 - Concert of "Pablo Alonso". Place: Victoria Cadaval Square of Sabaris (Baiona).
21:00 - Concert of "NoAllKansas". Place: Casa de Montes de Baiña (Baiona).
21:30 - Huevos con Chorizo festival. Place: La Carrasca (Parada - Nigrán)
22:30 - Monologue "Vida e milagres do zumo de laranxa" with Tito Rober. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Saturday, 10 August
10:00 a 14:00 - Patos weekly market (Nigrán).
11:00 - Virgen de la Roca guided tour. Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
22:30 - Concert of "Micalip's". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Sunday, 11 August
De 11:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:30 - Floating contraptions race "Flota como Poidas". Place: Romanesque Ramallosa bridge
22:30 - Concert of "Los lunes al sol Vigo". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Monday, 12 August
9:00 a 14:00 - Sabarís weekly market (Baiona).
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
21:15 - Cultural route "O triangulo do verán...nas estrelas...". By: Chema Lamas, member of the Spanish association for the teaching of astronomy.. Place: House of Navigation museum (Baiona)
Tuesday, 13 August
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Workshop "Festa das pompas". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:15 - Concert of "Demasiadas sombras y pocas luces". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
Wednesday, 14 August
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour of the historic centre of Baiona. Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
- 13:00 to 01:00 - VIII Val Miñor Fest (Nigrán's Beer Festival)
- 13:00 - Opening of the festival with music all day long.
- 14:00 - Beer-mú session
- 20:00 - Concert by "Demencia Sonora"
- 01:00 - Closing of the fetival
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
- 19:00 - 01:00 - VIII Val Miñor Fest (Beer Festival in Nigrán)
- 19:00 - Opening of the festival
- 21:30 - Performance by "Sin Reserva"
- 01:00 - Closing of the Festival
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
22:30 - Concert of "DSYPL, demasiadas sombras y pocas luces". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
23:00 - Concert "Los del Barro". Place: Skarnio e Maldecir
Thursday, 15 August
Todo el día - VI Mariñeiro Market - Place: La Palma Park (Baiona)
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition: Caíno Vasconcellos y Carlos Padín. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:15 - Concert of "Llorente y Tribu". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Concert of "Wondercovers". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Friday, 16 August
Todo el día - VI Mariñeiro Market - Place: La Palma Park (Baiona)
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
- 13:00 to 01:00 - VIII Val Miñor Fest (Nigrán's Beer Festival)
- 13:00 - Opening of the festival with music during the day.
- 14:00 - Beer-mú session
- 22:00 - Concert by "Gold & Colt"
- 23:30 - Concert by "The Liar Papers"
- 01:00 - Closing of the festival
19:00 - Concert of "Gabryd". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
19:00 - Festival Nigrán Blues. With the performance of Vargas Blues Band, Budda Power Blues, Claudio Gabis, The Stuckyes May Q'S Band, DJ Set y Cristian Penelas. Place: El Playa
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
20:30 - Concert of "Diego Caride". Place: Victoria Cadaval Square of Sabaris (Baiona).
22:30 - Performance of "Abóbriga". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Saturday, 17
10:00 a 14:00 - Patos weekly market (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour "In the footsteps of Drake" (children public). Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Santa Marta Beach (Baiona)
12:00 to 14:00 - Giant water slide. Place: Damas Apostólicas Street (A Ramallosa - Nigrán).
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
- 13:00 to 01:00 - VIII Val Miñor Fest (Beer Festival of Nigrán)
- 13:00 - Opening of the festival
- 14:00 - Beer-mú session
- 19:30 - Children's workshop
- 21:30- Concert by “Silverback"
- 23:30 - Concert by ’El Pelotón de los torpes”
- 01:00 - Closing of the festival
16:00 to 20:00 - Giant water slide. Place: Damas Apostólicas Street (A Ramallosa - Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
22:30 - Concert of "Cherry Sweet". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Sunday, 18 August
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
- 13:00 to 00:00 - VIII Val Miñor Fest (Nigrán's Beer Festival)
- 13:00 - Opening of the festival.
- 14:00 - Beer-mú session
- 19:00 - Children's workshop
- 21:30 - Concert by “Castro y los Escoltas”
- 22:30 - Best label and best beer contest
- 22:40 - Best Foodtruck contest
- 22:45 - Awards ceremony
- 00:00 - Closing of the festival
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:00 - Theatre "#2 pilgrims" by Redrum Teatro. Free admission until full capacity is reached. Venue: Municipal Auditorium of Nigrán.
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
22:30 - Concert of "La buena vida Vigo". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Monday, 19 August
9:00 a 14:00 - Sabarís weekly market (Baiona).
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Cultural route "Evolution of the military and defensive architecture of Baiona: the fortress of Monte Real". By: Anxo Rodríguez Lemos. Place: Entrance to the Parador of Baiona.
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
Tuesday, 20 August
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:15 - Concert of "Karaoke experience". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Festival "Escuela de danza Paradela". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Wednesday, 21 August
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour of the historic centre of Baiona. Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
22:00 - Outdoor cinema. Film “Cuñados”. Free admission. Mólino de Porto do Molle (Nigrán)
22:30 - Concert of "The Mirror". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Thursday, 22 August
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Conference "Essences of Africa. A sociography of peoples and peoples of the ignored Africa". Speaker: Iñaqui Cuesta Zabala. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:15 - Concert of "Síndrome de Penny Lane". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Concert of "Los Sergios". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
23:00 - Concert "Grooving Folks". Place: Skarnio e Maldecir
Friday, 23 August
11:00 - Guided tour "Paseo del Monte Boi". Pre-registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Concert of "Dinand". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:00 - Concert of "NoAllKansas". Place: Torreiro de Belesar (Baiona).
22:30 - Concert of "Catuxa Salom". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Saturday, 24 August
10:00 a 14:00 - Patos weekly market (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour "In the footsteps of Drake" (adult public). Prior registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Santa Marta Beach (Baiona)
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
- 20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
- Chandefolk Festival. Free admission. Venue: Carballeira Chan do Rapadouro (Chandebrito - Nigrán)
- 21:00 - Donicelas
- 22:00 - Milladoiro
22:30 - Concert of "Llorente&Tribu". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Sunday, 25 August
All day - Pilgrimage of the Virgen de la Roca. Performance of "Airiños de Lagoa" of Baiña and popular games. Place: Parque Mercedes de la Escalera.
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
22:30 - Monologue "Acojonado" of Miguel Miguel. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Monday, 26 August
9:00 a 14:00 - Sabarís weekly market (Baiona).
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
Tuesday, 27 August
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:15 - Concert of "Club Naval". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Performance of "Ardelume de Baiña". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Wednesday, 28 August
10:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Guided tour of the historic centre of Baiona. Pre-registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Pilates. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
20:30 - Theatrical performance "Forestas". Performed by Non Si? Teatro. Lugar: Gardens of the municipal library of Baiona
22:30 - Concert of The BlackStone". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Thursday, 29 August
10:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
11:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
18:00 - Pequefest Baiona. Foam party. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Yoga. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
21:15 - Concert of "The Frankies". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
22:30 - Baiona Pinta Magic. Etereo" show with Samuel Moreno.. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
23:00 - Concert "Gerardo Vantroi". Lugar: Skarnio e Maldecir
Friday, 30 August
11:00 - Guided tour "Paseo del Monte Boi". Pre-registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
11:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
19:00 - Concert of "Cruces". Place: Bahía Poniente (Camping Bayona Playa)
19:00 - Zumba. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:00 - Tai Chi. Free entrance. Place: Municipal Pavilion of Panxón (Nigrán).
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
20:30 - Concert of "No AllKansas". Place: Centro Cultural de Baredo (Baiona).
22:30 - Symphonic Verbena with Antonio Barros and the Baiona Brass Band. Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
Saturday, 31 August
10:00 a 14:00 - Patos weekly market (Nigrán).
11:00 - Virgen de la Roca guided tour. Pre-registration at 986687067 or oficinadeturismo@baiona.gal. Departure: Baiona tourist office
De 12:00 a 14:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
De 19:00 a 22:00 - Group exhibition of painting, sculpture and photography. Place: Multipurpose Sabarís Market (Baiona)
20:30 - Circus “Evolution Circus - The new adventure of Oceanika”. Place: Football field of Lourido (Nigrán). Advance ticket HERE
22:30 - Concert of "Three Roosters". Place: Baiona Town Hall Square.
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