Concello de Nigrán
Cañones Munaiz-Argüelles

The History of La Batería J3 de Monteferro: the Munaiz-Argüelles Cannons


La Batería J3 de Monteferro belonged to the coastal defensive system that was located in the Rías Baixas. Within this defense system, there were also the J1 batteries of O Grove, J2 of Cabo Udra, and J4 of Cabo Silleiro (in the neighboring municipality of Baiona).

Within the J3 battery complex, the Munaiz-Argüelles 150/45 cannons stand out, which are the only ones currently preserved "in situ" in the entire province of Pontevedra. Initially, there were 3 cannons, of which only 2 remain today.

The J3 coastal battery of Monteferro was created urgently once the civil war began, as the rebel side feared a maritime attack on the Galician coast by foreign powers opposed to the military uprising. For this reason, they brought this weaponry from the Ferrol area, despite the fact that these steel cannons, with rapid fire, 15 cm wedge opening, and weighing 6300 kilograms, were already outdated military material in the 1930s.

The design of the Munaiz-Argüelles cannons dated back to 1903 and had a range of only 13 kilometers, which was very limited at the time. To service these cannons, an entire military base was created with facilities for soldiers, surveillance posts, as well as a command post from where shooting calculations were made.

The real function of these batteries was to offer a sense of "security," creating the effect of having one of the most fortified coasts in the world at that time. Despite everything, this complex was in use until the 1960s, when its use changed, becoming a reserve and, therefore, starting to be a place for maneuvers and a destination for military service. The complex was finally abandoned in the 1980s, entering a process of deterioration that continues to this day. Fortunately, thanks to the Nigrán City Council, the Monteferro Community of Montes, and a grant provided by the Pontevedra Provincial Council, the Munaiz-Argüelles cannons were restored in 2023.

It is intriguing to think that at the time of the installation of this battery, the wooded area of Monteferro had barely any trees. Today, it is hard to imagine Monteferro without its lush vegetation.


How to get there:

To get to the cannon battery, there are two options:

1. Go up to the Monteferro Viewpoint and, when looking out to sea, identify a ruined building on the right. Next to this building, there is a path that descends through the trees, leading to the cannon area.

2. As you drive up towards Monteferro, after passing the houses, you will see a long straight road ascending to the top of Monteferro. Right at the beginning of this straight road, there is a large area for parking. From here, a wide path starts on the right. Follow this path on foot, and when you reach a point where it splits into three, take the center path, which leads directly to the cannon battery.


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